ICE, Well, I got my stitches out and was allowed to jump up on Moms bed.........
Can you believe it, Dad got the riding mower stuck because the ground is still very soft from all the rain this fall.......so, he gets the SUV to pull it out........

NOW, the SUV is stuck........really stuck! Mike is out there trying to help DAD get it moving but my guess is the same as Mommies...............He won't get it out till the ground gets hard and cold....or

...get help from my lil friend Gracie's Dad and his big tractor.....AND a very long chain so the heavy Tractor doesn't get stuck too......humans, they can be sooo silly!!!
Da humans may be silly, but it makes for good window tv.
Glad you got the stiches out and can get back on the bed!!
It makes for excellent window TV. LOL. But maybe your beans will need a few adult beverages after all of that. :-P
And we're very glad your stitches are out! Yay!
Oh dear. What a mess! At least it gives you something to watch.
That is a mess, but I am glad those stitches are out!
Are you referring to Gabby Gracie kitty's dad's big tractor? Or another little Gracie's dad? :)
We're glad your dad is doing better, but sorry his riding mower and SUV are stuck.
Most beans would consider getting the mower stuck a reason to sit and watch TV for a few days. The rest just hope no one is watching with a camera. Sounds like you Dad is feeling better, though.
Concats on gettin the stitches out! That IS sum great window tv! Enjoy! xoxo
Haha! Humans do some funny stuff!!
ICE, we're glad you are doing better now!
Oh my! Did they get it unstuck? I agree! Humans can be funny silly!
I bet it feels real good to be able to get on the bed again!!!
Hi Ice. Good to see you up and feeling better :) We are happy your Dad is better too, though he may not be happy right now, heehee
We purr he gets his toys moved out of the yard too :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
Goodness - we bet your Dad will be cream crackerd after all that excitement.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
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