First, we want to thank all our furend bloggers for purring us through our rough time lately. Dad is feeling better, he had to have an angioplasty on one of his by passes. The morning he came home our woofie, ICE became ill and Mommy had to get him to the Vets fast. Luckily Mommy got him there in plenty of time, he had BLOAT! Since he only eats wet food and his bowls are raised, he wasn't let outside for an hour and a half after his breakfast, Mom was not sure what was his problem until she looked it up on the internet. She then call ICE's doctor and was told to get him right in, the surgeon would be waiting. They took pictures of his bloated belly and told Mommy that the air had to come out and he needed a procedure to keep his tummy and intestines from turning because once a dog bloats it can happen again. Mommy waited till he was through it and then drove home, we could tell she was crying. Poor ICE, it's not bad enough he has seizures, now this has happened. The next day Mommy went over to see him....he was happy to see her but he was very tired. ICE laid on the floor and Mommy sat next to him and put his head on her lap while rubbing his back lightly and talking softly to him for about an hour. He had to stay there for a few days so Mommy visited him many times till he could come home. It cost Mommy a gazillion green papers but this time she got her woofie back! Since we don't have a crate for woofies Mommy had to keep close to ICE and make sure he stayed calm for several days. This Friday he gets his staples out and he has to get his Pheno level checked because yesterday morning he had another seizure. His doctor upped his Pheno meds again so we hope he will not have any more for a long time.

Here is ICE......tripping on his pain pill!
This is one big ouchy!!!
Mommy said his Vet wants him to have his bowls put on the floor and not intensive research has changed the "raised bowl" thinking for deep chested woofies.
Mommy was always concerned with Luke getting bloat because his dad had suffered with bloat but Luke and OBI never got it and they were twice the size of ICE!
Thank you for thinking of us, we hope to visit is 3am and we are all quiet so Mommy got to help me blog but now she said she has to get some much needed sleep.....HUGGZ to all, LOVE, Thomas and Family=^Y^=
Prays & Purrs for ICE, hope that he feel better now.
jay boy
capu from Singapore
We're sorry that you've been having so many health problems. We hope Ice's tummy heals up nicely with no more problems.
Oh, Auntie Holly, we have been purring for your hubby and now to hear about ICE! Double purrs for all of you! Take care of yourself so you can stay strong. (((HUGS)))
How's brofur has a big dog and we are going to send them that link - though they chose to have her tummy secured when she was spayed to avoid this. We hope Ice and you daddy are feeling better soon.
I am gald to hear that your Dad and ICE are both doing better and we send many, many purrs their way!
wow, what a tale, we are purring for woofie and thankful he has such a loving family to care and research for him. Love Darcy and Bingley xx
Poor Ice, that must have been very scary. We are glad that he is feeling better and we are purring that he heals well. We are glad your dad is feeling better too.
Purrs and purrayers to you all, you've had WAY too much to deal with this year. :-(
We'll cross our paws that ICE (and your dad!) will be fine. Your mom too. If she drinks alcohol, our mom suggests indulging!
Poor Ice. We are glad that your person was so proactive. And Purrs for your Daddy too.
We are sending purrs fur efurrybody! Your poor Mom has had her hands full! ICE looks good, all things considered! Thank goodness you haf good pawrents! xoxo
What a time at your household. We're very happy your dad is home and doing better. Ice too. A couple of scares for all of you.
Sending more purrs and woofs for you.
You all have gone through so much lately! We're happy that your daddy is home now after his surgery. And we are happy that ICE is doing better now. That musta been so scary for your mom!!
We are purring that your daddy and ICE both recovery quickly and have no more problems. oxoxo
Oh we are so sorry to hear about Ice but glad he is getting better and better. We will keep him in our purrs with your Mom and Dad.
What a rough time you have all been having! I am so glad that ICE is doing better, how skerry! We are keeping your family in our thoughts and purrs.
Glad teh dad is home. I know you all will take the bestest of the best care of him. Will still send good thoughts and purrs your way that the dad has a speedy recovery.
Purrrs and prayers to your Dad, Ice and your Mom!!
Your TX furiends,
Healing purrs for your Dad and Ice. ~Artemisia, Fenris, Socks & Scylla
you are all still in prayers as you recover. Get some sleep! Hugs, mickie
We're happy to hear that effuryone is okay. We hope your Daddy stays well and that Ice continues to recover and the seizure monster stays away.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We are sending lots of purrs and purrayers for your Dad and also for Ice.
Just checking in to see how you are all getting along. Hope you all are feeling better.
Those stitches sure look ouchie. Let the humans spoil you while you recover.
So glad dad and Ice are ok. Hope things go better from now on.
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