Thomas, "I can tell you, it's been crazy here over the last few weeks....of course I started up the mess with sneaking in Mike's room and hiding for 13 hours! When I didn't show up for the dry food shaking bag sound Mom alerted the other humans and the search was on...after 8 hours, Mom notified Home Again and Stray Cat Blues Rescue, where she adopted me. It wasn't until 1:30 am, Mom was outside with ICE still looking and Boomer was walking around the property, Dad call out....."We found Mike's room!!!" I don't know how they thought I got's like Fort Knox here!!! I did enjoy all the huggs though=^Y^=
Days later, Dad started getting chest pains and Boomer got him to the Hospital. They were deciding to do another bypass or angioplasty for a bit and luckily it was the
4 1/2 days later Dad came home and ICE got sick. After he came home 2 human members moved closer to work. Mom kept watch over the doors so we furkids wouldn't get out of the Family room and Grammom kept Teak and Tang in her room while furniture, clothes and boxes were carried out. Now there are 6 humans to our 8 count furkids...COOL! Ray's room is now becoming an art room for Mike and Mom and she is hoping things will quiet down at least till the Christmas tree goes up because this year I know it's gonna be fun climbing that thing!! Mom said Chey should have warned her about Siamese and their over curiosities!!!!!! Toys...who needs toys when you can play with those curly and fuzzy things in the fake plants!!=^Y^=

ICE, "I want to thank all kitties, woofies and their Mommies and Dads for all the purrz and prayers for me. It was scary being in a big cage with all these other woofies near me for a few days but they had me on calming meds so I wouldn't have a seizure. Ten days after I came home I had a seizure in the familyroom. Mommy calmly talked me through so it only lasted a little over a minute but of course my doctor was called. A couple days later I went to get my staples and stitches out so they also checked my Pheno level and it was 27 and now I take 90mgs Pheno with my breakfast and 90mgs with my dinner everyday. I am also getting Prozyme since I was on 2 antibiotics after my surgery. Mommy keeps giving me extra huggz and kisses and I give them back to her, she really loves all of us...we are all thankful for that!!
All you woofies and kitties, have a hugg your Mom day today!=^Y^=
BIG...BIG HUGGS to all our furends, Tinker, Toy, Tang, TyGr, Teak, Thomas, Setzer, ICE, Mom Holly and Dad Matt
Oh mmyyyyy!!!! sending good thoughts your way that everything will return to normal and that everyone will be healthy!
Oh I bet it was scary! Purrs.
Oh no, lots going on. We hope everything has calmed down now and life gets easier for all of you.
You guys have sure been through a lot lately! Thomas, the expression on your face is totally adorable. {{{hugs}}} to you all.
Yes indeed, lots of scary stuff! I am so glad all is doing better now. Y'all deserve a little quiet time!!!
Wow! Too much going on at your house! We hope things calm down now. ICE, we are so glad you are doing better now...and your dad too.
We have kept you in our purrs and are glad to hear that things are slowly settling down.
Sending purrs & prays to your family.
jay boy
capu from singapore
Whew! Purrs and pawsitive thoughts being sent to efurryone! xoxo
Wow, you have had so much going on. We hope things get back to normal soon. Hugs and purrs to you all.
Wow, things have been CRAZY at your place! I'm just glad everyone is doing better. Purrs to you!
That sure is a lot of stuff going on there! We will be purring and praying for all!
We loves the pictures of Thomas!!
So very happy your daddy is doing ok.
It's been hectic around your house for a while. We hope you don't have any more seizures and are doing okay. We hope your dad is doing well too.
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