"Mommy is using this 18 gallon Rubbermaid BLUE container for a very special project just for us Boyz. See the 2 lines drawn on this side, Mommy is using a sharp knife to cut an opening....wanna see why?"
"OK, Next she needed something to put it in...this is a trunk Mommy found in a second hand store for $15.00!"
"Our blue container fit purrrrfectly in the trunk and on the right of the pan is a extra box of litter and an empty box of litter used to store the scooper and a space to store the bags for the poo. There is also a rubber mat placed on the floor of the trunk."
"This is the back where we enter and exit our kitty bathroom. Mom used a utility knife to cut the thick cardboard to make the opening for us to enter and exit our private room. The trunk is placed out of the way and near a plugin with a LED light"
"I like this Mom and it's cool you found a blue container for our private poo room!"=^Y^=
*up-date.......it didn't take us long to use it and Mom loves the easiness in cleaning the pan!"
Your mom is very clever! And $15 for that storage chest was a real bargain, a great find.
We assume she leaves the chest lid down/closed and that you're comfortable with an enclosed box. Actually, it must be much taller and roomier than the hooded cat pans our mom has seen in stores. Even the giant ones don't seem that roomy. So this was a great idea!
great idea!!! (and good find on the chest)
Great idea!!!
Jay boy
Danny boy from Singapore
So many places to investigate!
Auntie Holly is so smart and talented! Way cool!
Your mom is very creative.
That's a nice, fancy and private litter area! Good job by your Mom! :)
Your human is very creative! I am sure she has seen those pre-made litter box cabinets that cost hundreds of dollars! Even I am impressed.
You mom is very clever and you boys very smart using it so quickly
That is a great idea, and the chest is a real bargain.
Your Mommy is very handy!!...Happy first weekend of summer, precious friends...xoox...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Ever neat! We have litter boxes in the basement and one in the little bathroom by the front door but... you've got your very own private facilities... where no once can watch you doin' your business - which I honestly think is a little rude but when you have to share the bathroom with the peeps these things happen. You're so lucky! I envy you.
That's a pretty cool bathroom you have!
Guess what? You won an award. That's right... an award! Come on over to Nerissa's Life and check it out. purrs
We wants to thank you for your words of comfort concerning our beloved Monty.
We think your poo box is really cool! Nice privacy!!
oh my cod, this is teh bestest potty setup EBER. we is super jellus. happy pooping!!!
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