Today we thought we would start out the week with showing some super cat idea's for our pawrents to see and maybe get some idea's for spoiling us......don't we deserve it!!!
We thought "Fuzzy Tales"
back yard was so cool and a safe way to get our furends out to play....we started surfing the net, here is what we found..........

The above photo's are from Modern below!
This is a slide show from New York times of Cat enclosures....below
We're gonna show these to our momma. We'd love to have some pawsome catwalks and walkthrus in our house!
Oh yea, now you're talking...and walking. Love it!
Wow! Now those are some fancy cat walks! We don't know which one looks best.
Thanks for the mention, we'll see if the fence keeps Nicki in. Heh. Bets are against the human right now, but she's spent so much money on it, she'll be beside herself if he figures a way over/under/through. :-)
Loved the pics; I've seen that Japanese house before. There are two houses now, both Japanese, of which we've seen photos. There's a family or person who's not struggling financially. LOL.
We already think you have a very cool house with lots of places for cats to walk and jump and hide! How more spoiled could you get?
Anyway, your feature is up on the LOLSpot right now. I usually ask the featured blog to post a link to my site. I have already posted one to yours. My link is:
Hope you enjoy them!
Those are great cat walks. We are going to asdk our mum why we don't have any.
Wow those are pawsome!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh man!! We would love to have those catwalks!! And that floor to ceiling scratching post!! PAWSOME!!
Those are all sooooo cool=we want to live there!...kisses x3 handsome boys...Calle, Halle, Sukki
ohmigod, this house is a dream, so many cool spots to climb!
Beautiful indeed!
purrs and love
Luna - We love Luna
Oh WOW. MOMMA!!!!!We need some catwalks!
Very cool! I wonder if I can convince my Mommeh to put catwalks throughout the entire house? I hope so!
Those cat walks are beautiful and we would love some - mum says we would need a larger home for a lot of them!!
i wants ALL of them. i can has all of them?
OMC! What cool stuff dey has for us kitties huh! I has to gets momma on dat right away.
Opa Rolf built our crew a cat walk, but it's quite simple in comparison to these!! (
Hmmmmm.... maybe if I send him the pics he'll get inspired? :-)
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