Sunday, April 4, 2010

MadCat Monday!

"I am not suppose to be on this shelf........there use to be a big duck here........I accidentally knocked it on the floor......I needed more room, guess Mom will be upset she didn't get the velcro under the duck...........There, see, it wasn't my fault......she should have remembered, then.....she still would have her favorite duck,........I'm in big trouble aren't I!"

"Oh crap I better hide.......maybe no one will notice the duck is missing!"

" Hey, can somebody get me out of the bag, I have to go potty!!!"


The Creek Cats said...

Oopsie! Maybe the duck jumped all by himself?

You are so cute in that bag!

Daisy said...

I would not be able to resist that shelf either, duck or no duck!

Parker said...

Uh Oh - you might be in just a little trouble! I love your header!!!

The Monkeys said...

Can't duckies fly? We think that would be a good excuse!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Those pictures are brilliant.. Hope you got out of the bag.. Hugs GJ x

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I would love to be up some place high like that!

Anonymous said...

wow, what a flying leap! verreh cute in the bag too, good hidey spot. you can not really be blamed for the duck, i bet he wanted to get down from that high place. ducks are not meant for shelfs, but kittehs are!

Cindy said...

Oh dear! You black and white cats are always in trouble!!
Henry's mommy

Anonymous said...

It is not your fault your Mom put stuff on your shelves! Great leap, by the way! And today's header is awesome!

Anonymous said...

MOL!!! That is one cool shelf, fer sure!

The Island Cats said...

Well, that does look like a fun spot up there! It would be hard to resist! We think your mom shouldn't have put her favorite duck up there if she didn't want it to get knocked off!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Efurrytime we see your house, we all say...we wanna come and have our next vacation there!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

You can always buy new ducks! Your safety is more important!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a great leap. It looks like you are jumping over the welcome duck sign.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh Dears! Did mom find you? Hmmm! A duck! I thinks that you only wanted to plays with it!