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With much consideration, we have decided to get a brother for Luke. Actually it was Mommies cousin that also had a loss, that helped her decide. Sooooo, after a month, Mommy is trying to get out of the black hole and move forward. On puppyfind.com in Pa. was some adorable white standard puppies, then she found some reds in Bethlehem, Pa. She also found some pups in New Jersey and NYC but some feuds were going on between them. Mommy kept bouncing back to the white pups and was drawn to "ICE" as named by the breeder. Dad wants another white but mom wanted a totally different color. Then she realized after writing his name...if you close the C & E in ICE = OBI! He was born the day OBI went into emergency! Mommy had been asking OBI for a sign that he crossed safely.......There it was, OBI was fine and sent a baby brother. Last Monday mommy sent hold payment and a collar for ICE. She picks him up at 1pm, September 1st! Mommy is now baby ICE proofing the house.
Mommy is still tearing up over missing OBI but she feels better knowing he is happy playing with PopPop up there. When Mommy was looking for a background for OBI dogster, angel page, she remembered a series of shots she took a monthe before OBI left. The most beautiful sky with a rainbow in colorful clouds.......she never saw the white poodle cloud crossing over the rainbow then.................
What a wonderful news!Welcome dear friend!
Of course OBI sent you a new pup. What a little cutie pie, concats.
I am so glad that you are able to open your heart to ICE! It seems, since he was borned on the day OBI had to go to the Bridge, that maybe it really was a sign from him! I'm looking forward to learning more about ICE.
Oh ICE is so cute!!! We've always said that you'll know when the time is right to welcome a new furball into your life after losing one...sometimes it's days later, sometimes months...we do think OBI sent ICE to you!!
We can't wait til he arrives!!!
That is wonderful!
Here is what our momma says: Sometimes when you lose a furry baby, that furry baby alla' da way from Heavens can send to you another furry baby to help heal your heart. That is how momma thinks she found Freyja after Miss Starr passed away of acute pancreatitis when she was only three years olds. Someone called out momma an' said they had a GSD puppy an' that was that. Momma is furry happy for you's momma, furry happy.
Now, warning to you's kitties. Start practicin' you's jumpin' on his stuff cuz you is gonna need that skill when the baby comes home!
Congrats on your new brother...and the specialness that OBI sent him!!
We look forward to seeing Ice in your new home! I think that it is a sign from OB. We know that our one cat sent us Gemini after he died..
What a cutie! I'm sure you'll have fun teaching him all the house rules. *wink*
Ice looks a cutie. We are sure Obi sent him to help heal your hearts.
The ICE-man commeth! OMC! He looks like a little baby lamb! We are so excited and so happy that Luke will have a new little brother to keep him company. It is definitely a sign.
Ice is adorable! Obi is still looking out for you and wants you all to be happy. I'm sure he is smiling down at you from the bridge.
That is good news! I am glad you will be getting ICE! So cute!
We got your message! We are so happy you are able to take Ice into your hearts and home. Obi will be overseeing his progress with you, from above!
Whicky Wuudler
ICE is adorable! We think that OBI had a lot to do with your Mommy finding ICE.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We are very excited for you and ICE! We think that all the coincidences with dates and letters are a sign from OBI. We can not wait to meet ICE!
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