Tink, "Well I plan to play with lots of toys out on the deck. Mommy cleaned up all the mess from the work being done so we can play out there supervised...Mommy is so into getting this deck done, then we can play out there all the time!"
Tang, "It's my 1st Birthday on ManCat Monday....Mom can I have a fish tank?"

TyGr, " I am gonna have a fun weekend and we hope all our furends will too!"
I like the fishy's swimming around! Especially those in your eyes!
I hope that a fish tank gets delivered for your birthday!
Having a deck to play on will be so much fun for all of you!
Tang we hope that fish tank is on it's way to you!
Oh boy, yoor gonna be a mancat on Monday! We hafn't been around visiting a lot cuz mom's been so bizzy...or dat is what she sez.
Hey, our mom sent your mom an email explaining Paw it Forward. Let us know if you have any questions about it!
Happy weekend to you! I hope your fishtank dreams come true.
Playing outside is the BEST! isn't it? And Tang, we hope you get that fish tank for your birthday too! That would be sssoooooo cool to have your very own fishies.
What lucky boyz you are to be getting a deck you can be on anytime.
We hope you get your fish tank. We asked mum to put a pond in the garden and put fish in it, but she said no way.
Do you think your Mom will get you that fish tank, Tang? Tang's Tank, Tang's Tank, Tang's Tank... say that 3 times fast. hahaha!
Mom is getting estimates on getting our patio screened. We'll be able to go Outside whenever we want then! Woo Hoo!
What adorable pictures of Tink, Tang and TyGr! The fish tank one is amazing. How did you do that?
If you had one of Tink with the fish tank, it would be a Tink Tank! LOL!
I hope Tang has a wonderful birthday tomorrow. I'll be back to visit then.
Your house is just one huge gigantic kitty amusement park! We want to come visit!
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