OBI fell we believe sometime Saturday evening. Grammom had mentioned OBI was limping so Mom checked his feet thinking he might have stepped on a sharp stone in the dog run. He seemed to be walking OK but by Sunday Mom noticed his right eye was red. Monday morning Mom was going to call the Vet for an appointment after she trimmed his face. Then she had OBI roll over to check him for any ticks 'cause Dad found a fat one in the bathroom Saturday afternoon. That's when she saw his dark red lower belly and inside of his left leg. Mom called the VET for emergency and they went right away. The Vet checked his temp and it was normal, then she checked his gums and saw they were pink...good sign. OBI was very nervous and peed a bit in the room which the Vet was happy to see no blood and Mom did report he had just moved his bowels earlier. The Vet concluded at this point it was an injury so he got meds for his eye and pain plus an antibiotic.

This is improvement over Monday! OBI's belly normally is pink, his whole lower belly and left inside leg were blood red! Mom has been laying a towel and ice bag there to help with the swelling. We are so thankful he is getting better. Only problem is he has lost his appetite so he missed yesterday and todays dinner. He did have his biscuit late night also a piece of no onion meatloaf today. Though the bruising is improving below it is showing up higher to the side of his belly.

OBI must have also hit his head near his eye, this is healing , before the red was bulging out the side of his eye! The Vet said it just might be the meds so keep a close eye on him and if he is not eating by Friday he may have to get xrays and blood work.
Sorry we haven't visited but Mom is spending lots of time with OBI to get him through this, she feels very bad that she did not know he fell!

TEAK, "I wanted to show these cool toys Mom got for my 1st Birthday from etsy.com(casbah kitten). Mom had to get my photo is Grammom's room where my brothers couldn't take my toys. Toy kept running off with the birds and he first took the whole bag of the catnip jelly beans! Look at the cute catnip ladybug, I have 2, Tang and I bat them around at night. Mom is gonna get more photos of us playin' with the toys but she is spend lots of time with OBI right now.

This was my REAL birthday cake! Since Mom adopted me, Dec 13th, 'O8 and they told her I was about 5 months old, my birthday became July 13th and if you add 1+3 you get 4th of July....my freedom from an uncertain life to one filled with love & family & furends! Thanks for all my Birthday wishes everyone!!!!=^Y^=TEAK
OBI, we are so sorry you have a hurty! That looks very sore! We sure hope you are feeling better real soon! We will be purring our best healing purrs for you.
Teak, you got some pretty neat gifts! That Ladybug is adorable!
Oh Obi, that looks painful! We hope you are soon feeling better and eating again.
Those are great gifts Teak. Looks like you had a wonderful first purrfday.
Oh we hope OBI feels better real soon! Sometimes antibiotics can upset your tummy so maybe that's why he's not eating.
Teak, we love your cake! And your toys!!!
Happy belated Birthday, Teak! That's a lot of toys and some big cake you got for your furst birthday celebration.
And, we are so sorry to hear about Obi. Don't feel guilty, mom, because you can't be around every minute and know everything that happens.
We're just glad it's not an internal injury, and that it looks like he will heal quickly. Yes, we're sure his appetite will pick up once his boo-boos start to get better. You probably wouldn't feel hungry either, if you were all banged up! Poor wee guy!
OBI!!! You poor baby! Of course Auntie Holly feels just terrible! We know you are in good hands and will be back to 100% very soon!
OBI! I am so sorry you got hurted! I am sending my very best healing purrs.
OUchy! I'm so sorry about your boo-boo, Obi!
OMC poor OBI!! Hope you are better very soon!! Purr Purr
Your header photo is super sweet.
I'm so sorry to hear Obi has a hurtie! I hope he is much better soon!
Hiya Teak! That's a great photo of you posing with your birthday loot, we're glad you like all your toys and hope they get well worn from playing! But poor Obi!!! We hope he feels better soon, we'll be purring for him.
jane & Alice
Great birthday presents Teak. Sorry to hear that Obi fell, hope it gets better fast!
We are a little late in our get well wishes but please take them and use them anyway. Those owies look horrible. We are purrin' an' the dogs are waggin' their tails for a speedy recovery.
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