I have a disability..........
Actually, the Vet I use to see just said I will catch up to my brothers in time but mom could see that it wouldn't happen. She was looking at cat to adopt on Catster and liked an orange kitty named DUDE who is living in NYC. That's how she came upon the answers she had been needing. He has Cerebeller Hypoplastia and has a video on youtube...then mom found other's that put video's on youtube showing this disability in their cats too. Now that there was a name for this problem I have she could research further on the net. ...........
"CH cats are sometimes born to females who have suffered Feline Infectious Enteritis (FIE), Feline Panleukopaenia, Feline Distemper) during pregnancy. It is not known to be caused by a pregnant cat receiving a Enteritis vaccination and is usually only seen in kittens born to feral, stray or unvaccinated cats."
My mom was a feral cat and was rescued shortly before my two sisters and I were born. Here is the info Mom found.........
"Affected kittens may not grow as large as unaffected kittens or they may have a slower development. The virus affects the cerebellum area of the brain, an area involved in fine motor control. Typical symptoms are poor co-ordination, gait abnormalities and perception. Affected cats are wobbly and unco-ordinated and have characteristic head tremors which are evident when they try to focus on something like a bird. They may even have sight problems but it is difficult to assess their sight due to their strange posture and gait. It often looks as though their body goes the opposite of what they are telling it to do, or one part goes in one direction while the other tried to head off elsewhere! They adapt to these challenges but will always be clumsy and may be nervous or unsure of themselves in new situations. Barring any accidents caused by their unco-ordination, their life expectancy doesn't seem to be affected and given a safe environment, they live as long as unaffected cats and seem little troubled by their condition. It is not advisable to give a (CH) cat free access to outdoors as their mobility problems, perception problems and possible sight problems makes things doubly hazardous! For more information....http://www.messybeast.com/disabled.htm
The cat hospital where our mewmie works has 2 CH cats that come in and they are doing great. Had your vet not ever seen a CH kitty? It's good your mewmie is learning more about your condition so she can take care of you the bestest!
Tang, I was looking forward to reading your story today! I didn't know you had CH. You are an extra-special kitty!
Your link to the YouTube video wouldn't work for me, but we saw the "This is Charley" video on YouTube a while ago and totally fell in love with him. Is that the link you had? If not, you should check out that video:
Tang...your "disability" just makes you extra special! Thanks for telling us all about CH!
We had never heard of CH before we read your post. Thanks for informing us, and we're glad you have a wonderful forever home where you can feel safe.
Never heard of that, but you are a cure little sweetie either way!!
Thanks for sharing your story today. What a cutie you are!
We think you are beautiful!
Abby & Stygia
This is a really great story of you!!!!
Thanks for sharing with us!
We liked reading your story! That was really interesting! You are really very cute!!
Tang, I do not think you have a disability - I think you just do things differently. And that just makes you unique and extra special!
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