Thursday, February 12, 2009

Finally Friday!

Ty, "OBI what are you doing?"
Ty, "Mom, OBI broke the ball!"
OBI, "Sorry Mom........."


Country Cats said...

Oh no! Broken toys are not much fun at all. Maybe your Mom will get you a new one for Valentine's Day!

The Island Cats said...

Don't worry OBI, we think that ball musta been defective!

The Creek Cats said...

Woofies!! Our woofie is always getting our mice all slobbery! Looks like your woofie had a little too much fun with the ball!

Cliff and Olivia said...

Dogs... When our humans visit the big, stinky woofie, that sometimes visit the summerhouse (we know this is confusing - we are confused) they always tells us about toys being demolished in minutes.

Daisy said...

Whoopsie! Obi, you look nice.

ZOOLATRY said...

Did we miss something... ? Mom says where did Obi come from... we
scrolled all the way back to Christmas (fantastic photos along the way, as usual). Hello to all the Boyz; we haven't been 'round much and we've missed you all.
Happy Hearts Day everyone?

Barb said...

Ooopsie-Daisy! Do not worry, OBI. They'll get you one that is not all broked.

Lux said...

Oh, it looks like it's a good one for you - well, maybe except for the broken ball! :-/

The Furry Kids said...

Broken toys are still fun to play with!

Happy Friday!
Your pal,

Willow said...

Even if it is kind of broken, that still looks like a good woofie ball for Obi! You always have such nice pictures here!

Purrrrrrrrrrrs, Willow