We have been thinking of Auntie Holly all week and her ears will be ringing a lot especially tomorrow the day of her surgery. We will be praying all goes well getting rid of that nasty ol' painful gall bladder.
Nick called mom and said dat da heaters are all working inside da shelters but dat he hadda up da amps on da water bowl heater cuz der was ice on top! He mentioned dat he wonders where da kitties dat don't haf shelter go...he hopes dey is okay too. He also said dat der were 6 to 8 cats in each shelter even tho they are made for 4 cats each! Hey, da more kitties inside da warmer it is.
And yes, we too feel for all the little animals that are out in the cold. Alfie was rescued from being borned outside in a field - so we are very grateful for our Mom & Dad and a warm home.
Yes, bless them and the folks who help them we say. Hope this cold snap is soon over and every cat can be warm again.
Whicky Wuudler
Our thoughts exactly!! We feel so much for the ones with out warm homes during this very cold weather! Bless them!
Hey! You look like me! Cute hat, wonder if Mom would get me one?
We have been thinking of Auntie Holly all week and her ears will be ringing a lot especially tomorrow the day of her surgery. We will be praying all goes well getting rid of that nasty ol' painful gall bladder.
We luvs you Auntie Holly! Good Luck!
Yes, we hope all those kitties find some place warm during this cold weather!
Well said!!
You look so cute with your hat and scarf! cute.
Yes stay warm, we are all snuggling here. Mum only see the birdies out at the feeder. All other living animals are staying inside.
You are so right!
Nick called mom and said dat da heaters are all working inside da shelters but dat he hadda up da amps on da water bowl heater cuz der was ice on top! He mentioned dat he wonders where da kitties dat don't haf shelter go...he hopes dey is okay too. He also said dat der were 6 to 8 cats in each shelter even tho they are made for 4 cats each! Hey, da more kitties inside da warmer it is.
We just love this photo!
And yes, we too feel for all the little animals that are out in the cold. Alfie was rescued from being borned outside in a field - so we are very grateful for our Mom & Dad and a warm home.
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