Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thank you, Mommy feels better now!

Thanks everyone for all your thoughts, prayers & purrrrs! Mommy is feeling better, although tired, very bruised and she can't wait till all of this is over. Monday Mommie is calling the surgeon for an appointment, then she will get a day & time for the operation.

Thanks for brightening my Mommie's day Auntie Peggy, Laila & Minchie! That was funny...kitten soup!


Chesney Cats said...

We are glad your mommy is feeling better!! Hopefully it won't be too long before she can have her surgery. Then she will feel even better!! (after she heals, of course)

ZOOLATRY said...

We've been watching here... praying and hoping for all to be well. Happy Heart news... (we knew you had a good heart). As for the rest, will trust that all will soon be well... tummy troubles are not good at all.
We want you to have a happy, healthy and wonderful new year...
all the best wishes are on there way to you. Maggy & Zoey & Ann

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

One of Mom's best friends had gall bladder surgery (she stayed with Mom the day she came home from the hospital) and it really went very well. Her pain is all gone. We are praying for you everyday that this is over asap!

Hugs and purrs.

P.S. Glad you liked our card.

Anonymous said...

Yay! We are so glad your Mommy is feeling better. Time to rest up and prepare for the surgery and all betters.

Our Nana and 2 of our Aunties had Gall Bladder-ectomies (Cholecystectomy) and they are all better now! They can do it Laparoscopically now, which is my less invasive, not to mention only a tiny few incisions compared to one about 10 inches long! Yay!

The Island Cats said...

Oh we are so happy your mommy is feeling better! We hope her surgery goes well too!

Lux said...

I hope this is just a memory for your mom soon. Many purrs ...


Everycat said...

Your Mom will feel like a new woman once that surgery is done. Purrs for it to be over with and you being free of pain.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad your mum is feeling better and we hope she soon gets her surgery so she is 100% again.

Daisy said...

I am so glad to learn that your mom is feeling better. I'll bet she will be happy after the procedure and she can feel better for good!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad your Mommy is feeling better. We're purring for her!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Black Cat said...

Yay for your Mom feeling better and best wishes for her surgery. She has been through a lot so be sure to purr on her lots to help her recovery! :) xxx

Sweet Purrfections said...

Glad your mommy is home. She will begin to feel so much better after she has the surgery.

Quill and Greyson said...

Poor Mommy! Mommy had her golly out too, she felt alot better once it was out. I hope your Mom does too.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh my goodness, we hope your Mom feels better and can get the surgery done quickly! Then be all better! We want to wish you all a very Happy New Year and a Prosperous 2009!
Purrrs and Hugs to you all.
Your FL furiends,

Karen Jo said...

I hope that your Mom gets her surgery soon, then she can start feeling all better for good. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope all goes well for your mom to schedule her surgery so she can feel better.