Would you like to hear a story, Tuck?...(Yeah...a story!)....OK, get comfy....."Once upon a time there was this really nice lady"....(mice lady?)..."No no, n-i-c-e lady, anyway, while on her vacation in the big city, she visited a very interesting shop. There were all kinds of neat things on colorful shelves and as she turned to another isle she spotted stuffys for adoption! So many but one was an adorable, plump, gray mouse". ...( I'm not plump, just well rounded!)......"What makes you think this story is about you?"...(Well, it sure sounds like it is!)......."Do you want to hear this story or not?".....( I'm sorry, I'll behave, tell me more, pweeze!)....."OK!...So...this nice lady decided to adopt this slightly plump gray mouse, then brought him on the long trip home where he would now be a country mouse." .....(By the way, where is the cowboy hat you promised me?)..........."What happened to the promise of being good and listening to the story?"....(SORRY)......Now the cute mouse always dreamed of adventures but for a very long time he sat on that store shelf while other stuffys were adopted. Now he will finally live his dream...and MAYBE even get a cowboy hat...Maybe?".........
Sooo, what was the moral of the story? (Try and look cute for the nice Ladies?)......No, it's, "Never EVER...give up on your dream!" ......"Let's go get some cookies and milk!" =^Y^=
Looking cute is something you've got down to an art.
So does the cute plump grey mouse get his cowboy hat?
The Zoolatry Human is going craZy here... and the boyZ are at fault!
She cannot help herself. She keeps scrolling up-and-down, and up-and-down looking at these pictures, over and over and over. She'll hear your entire music menu at this rate!
And over, again!
You do cute pretty good!
Oh, what a great story! We want to see the mouse wearing a cowboy hat!!!
Your music ROCKS!
That's a good story...and we hope the mousie gets his cowboy hat!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
That mousie is cute! I hope you get a cowboy hat, too.
aw, that is a good story. i hope the mouse gets his cowboy hat. that would make a better ending!
cute picture!!
Hi Tyco! if you visit your catster page you will see that Stuffy got a cowboy hat, pink to match his nose
no less.
Love ya dude,
Your pal
Teddy Bearz
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