Tuesday, September 24, 2019

This is my sons new boy, JazzPurr. He is adorable.....
I am still trying to get use to the blog again.


da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood !! ewe bee two kewl for werdz....ya look like a fluffee me....

tuna !! :) ♥♥

The Island Cats said...

Hello, JazzPurr!

Jans Funny Farm said...

I didn't want to leave this message on your post about losing Jazz, but people have been unable to access your blog much of the time for a while. We get redirected to some widget site and can not get back. Trying again often works. Your blogging friends care and want to leave messages. You might want to check your blog widgets - there are a lot but I didn't notice a counter. Some of them used to do something similar to blogs. I hope you find it because reaching your blog lately seems to be hit or miss and take determination. :)

World of Animals, Inc said...

JazzPurr, you are so adorable in the photo. We are happy that you found a wonderful forever home. Thanks for sharing the great news. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
World of Animals