ICE, "Since the Boyz did not experience Snowtober outside, I will show you what it was like to have a snowstorm in October."
"It started around 8am on the 29th of October. The flakes were big, wet and began to add up very fast!"

"Mom took me out several times while she went to the barn to get heaters in case we lost power..........by noon, we lost all power so Dad set up the small generator. Dad had a supply of gas to last a few days in the generator. We still had cable so Mom was watching the Good Witch Movies on the Hallmark channel. By the third movie, the Good Witch's Gift, the Cable went out.....Mommy was NOT happy at all! She was looking forward to the Good Witch's marathon all month!!!!!!
"We had several inches in just a few hours! Dad and Boomer had to gas up the generator every 4 hours!! Finally by Monday night it got brighter, our power came back.....yeah, except the heater would not come on so the oil guyz came out and finally had it going again. Today, schools are still closed, trees are down on many roads and there are still thousands of homes out of power so we feel lucky to have ours back now. Our internet has been on and off so Mommy had to redo the blog entry a few times....we are hoping it will get through now.....at 1:10am=^Y^=
Mom and Dad are going to look for a larger generator because they are worried it just might be a very snowy winter.........of course they expect everyone else has the same idea!!=^Y^=ICE
ICE, you look so happy and cute playing in the snow in your little snowsuit! I'm glad you have power back. Stay safe and warm!
Oh congrats on having the electricity back, never was so grateful for being warm as we are now! Ice is a BEAUTIFUL puppy :)
YOU sure were having a great time in the snow, ICE. We're sure your beans were less than enthused. We're very glad your power's back on--presumably all the snow's gone now too!
They need to have a rerun for your mum! Good thing they are so smart to plan to keep you cozy in spite of mother nature.
So glad you were prepared with a generator so you didn't have to go through the time with no heat or electricity. Looks like ICE had fun.
We are glad you have power AND heat! YEAH.
Thank goodness you have your power back on and electricity again. It seems the snow is extra early this year.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
ICE, you look like you were having fun in the snow, but we sure are glad your power came back on. We are sorry to hear your Mommy's Good Witch Marathon was ruined!
Wow! That's a lot of snow you guys got!! ICE, you look good in your coat...you really like that white stuff, don't you?? We're glad your power is back now.
we are so glad to hear that everything has worked out and you are back with power ON! WE know how bad that is. Glad you are now safe and warm!!
wow impressive snow!
Glad that everything is fine there and you have power.Please take care!
Ice is adorable in these pictures!
Wow! That is a lot of snow! It is so cold looking! But ICE! You make it look fun! I like the pictures!
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