You will never believe what happened! Mom was checking me for ticks and felt this little stick thingy in my furz around the back of my neck. She separated my furz and found this........Mom was pretty sure it was my chip and she was right. It's not clear if the chip squeezed back out or if it never was injected! So........yesterday, I had to go back to my Vet to get another chip implanted, (not fun!) Mommy is keeping a close eye out to make sure it stays in and when I go back for a check up she will have them check for the chip again.

I behave when I ride in the SUV. It's fun as long as I am not just going to the Vets!!! We went to PetSmart and I got 2 new collars with metal buckles....I kept chewing the plastic fastener on the collar I had. After we got back home, a storm came in and it was very windy and pouring rain!!! I was afraid Mommy was gonna get blown away 'cause she was outside on the deck trying to repair the ripped plastic that's up to keep the deck dry till the screens are in and the tie down canvas curtains are up. Also it isn't hot any more, now it's chilly ya think it might snow? I love the SNOW!!!!
Please, we beg you, don't mention s-n-o-w in May. That's a bad word in our house!
Weird about your chip! We hope it's properly inserted this time and that there's no charge!! Ours was put in when we were neutered, so we don't remember anything about the process, fortunately! Good luck!
I never heard of that happening with the microchip before. Hey, MOMMEH! Will you feel my neck in case mine camed out, too?
Wow, that is not good and no fun. You are such a lovely woofie.
That is so weird! I wonder if it never went in in the first place.
Sorry you had to get the chip put back in; once should have been enough since it's not fun!...Hope you have a better day beautiful...Happy Cinco de Mayo friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Ok, furst of all ,we must say you are one of the cutest woofies we've effur seen! Glad your mom found your chip. Sorry you had to go through that again, but at least you got to go to PetSmart!
Snows? Isn't it springs time my furriend? MOL hehehe
Sorry to hears about your chip, momma says dat it would be good to always has da vet check da chip at your check ups every year to makes sure it has not moved too.
What a wild story! Thankfully Auntie Holly found it!
oh friend, this thing about your microchip is so weird!How could it happen?! Anyway now you are okay , it's the important thing.
purrs and love
we love LUNA - by Luna
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