Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Woofie Wednesday

ICE, "It snowed again today and I had lots of fun!"

Here is my Polar Bear leap, cool huh?

Mommy, where is my igloo?

Look, I dug a hole and peed in it...just like my cat brothers! Mom said I watch them way to much, LOL!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos of your snow romp, ICE!

And yes, you DO looke a little Polar Bear-ish! Or is the the Polar bears that look a little bit ICE-ish?

Daisy said...

ICE, you are the cutest little polar bear, ever!

The Creek Cats said...

Look at all the fun ICE is having!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Wonderful pics, Ice.....the first one was our fav. xxxxxxxxxxxx

Cindy said...

Fun in the snow! You look like a cuddly little thing, I could just hug you.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You look like you are having fun!

Anonymous said...

It DOES look like you're having fun in the snow!

The Island Cats said...

ICE, you make snow look like so much fun! Good job peeing in it!