Sorry we haven't posted much this week, we are having Septic tank woes!!!!! It started Saturday, late afternoon. Mommy and Dad came home right when their oldest son, Boomer was in a panic from the bottom floor's powder room toilet bubbling up yuckies from the base of the toilet. He was grabbing everything to sop up the mess and contain it in that area. Just when he thought it was under control Grammom flushed the pot and there it went again!!! Boomer came running up for more towels............some were stained so I am going out today for new towels. The Plumber came quickly and pumped out the tank. He found that a connection to the sand mound was not sealed, only stones were put around the area. Water from the ground run off was filling our tank so after time the pump burned out. He had to come back Monday and empty the tank again because it rained. Now the Plumber has to bring a digger to be able to repair the connection properly. He installed a new pump hoping it would hold us till he could get the digger here.

Tuesday night the septic alarm went off and we had to shut down the pump. No use of water again!!! The Plumber came back and power washed the sand mound. Boy is this gonna cost Mommy and Dad many green papers!!! Oh yeah, as of Wednesday our blog has gone fluey.....Mom thinks it has to do with photobucket. Mommy says...it never rains...it pours!!!!!! We will be visiting later when Mommy returns with new towels, blankets and more cleaning supplies. Later.........
How exiting. I love big trucks!
We got sewers both at home and in the summer house, so nothing like that happens here, thankfully.
Mom doesn't want to talk about septic issues. Mom has issues with septic issues. We sure hope yours is all better soon!
Oh boy! You got strange worker guys too! That's no fun at all! We hope they fix your problems soon so you can get back to normal!!
What a horrible thing to have to deal with, hope it gets fixed soon!
How awful for you guys!
I hope things are all fixed soon!
Oh gosh, I'm sorry you are having some bad troubles. Poor Boomer, he must have been in a panic! I hope it gets all fixed up soon.
That sounds awful.We hope everything is soon working right again.
Mum says 'yuck' to septic problems. Glad she is on 'muniple sewer' she says. Good luck!
and sometimes it rains poop.
Eww we hope things are better for you soon. At least you can stay away from the mess. Let the humans deal with it, I say!
Abby & Stygia
Those are some big trucks. Yous visit my new blog yesterday so I wanted to come visit yous. Yes, I gets brushed often but don't likes it very much when momma brushes the plume! It's my plume after all. I hopes you come visit me again. I posted your link under cats who blog to come visits yous again.
We like the new background with all the kitties!
Hope your Mom picks out some nice towels for you to get your furs all over.
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