..................................but I don't want my picture taken.......Mom, "Please honey."

......................................OK......................How's this pose?

.....................................Mom, "Oh I give up, you silly boy{{giggle}}"
You look so much like our Ferris!
Thank you so much for sending a purr message to your ones who came before. It is so comforting to know they were there to greet him as he entered the bridge.
I like the last picture!! It looks like you are watching something out of the corner of your eye. A birdy perhaps?
Haha! That last picture made us laugh.
Tang...you are a silly kitty! We think the header picture of you is the best!
Your Momma is the best photographer!
Yes, something must be in the air. Us boy kitties are really feeling our oats. Must be spring fever. Mom is going to get a Feliway refill when Angel's Mommie comes up to visit so she can keep an eye on us.
Look at your eyes in that third photo! Too cute!
She may have called you a silly boy, but I see she got one picture of you looking at the camera. Love the new header featuring you, Tang! You're a very handsome mancat :-)
You look a bit freaked out!
You was being difficult on purpose wasn'ts you? We don't likes the flashy thing. The mommas, they never learn.
We like the last pic best. You look a bit nervous in front of the camera!
The last pic is the winner. Hahaha.
We don't blame you for wanting your privacy, but we also understand your human mom wanting to photograph you in all your catliness!
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