Mommy went up to Easton for a Cat Show. She was gone most of the day but she said it was fun seeing all the breeds. It was hard getting all the photos she wanted 'cause the Judges really whirled those kitties around fast......till they found a could tell. There was at least 10 judging areas!!

Mommies favorite, a Norwegian Forest female kitten. She also loved the Bengals and the Birmans.

Russian Blue

A handsome Black Mainecoon
.........................out takes...........

I don't like Bengals or that stupid jacket!

No, I won't go back in that stupid cage...and by the way, who do you think you are fooling wearing that jacket anyway!

I don't think this judge is taking me seriously........

My breath.....what did you have for lunch?!

Pole dancer!

I'm gonna wi--in.......nah nah....
Our humans went to a cat show once. Didn't really like it as some of the cats seemed less then happy.
But we do like the outtakes.
Our humans went to the Christmas City show once when it was held in Allentown. It was OK to see so many cats, but there were none to hold and pet, so it was frustrating to them.
A cat show! We likes the pictures of the cats! Real nice!
My humans have never been to a cat show. I know what you mean about that lady's jacket, it looked like something I'd like to attack! All those cats looked so big!
Our mom has gone to cat shows...she sed they aren't as exciting as woofie shows but she liked seeing all the different breeds.
Those are some cool pictures. We liked the kitty sticking it's tongue out a lot. The staff has never been to a Cat Show.
Oh, that black Maine Coon is gorgeous!
Thanks for posting all those great cat show pictures Auntie Holly! Mom went to a cat show last weekend but because of the glare from the windows she couldn't take pictures. Yours are great!
Oh my gosh - look at all these cats... Our humans have never been to a cat show. Except for the one here at home that we put on, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
We vote for the Birman....ok we know we're not exactly impartial here.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Mommy is steal squealing over that NFC. So pretty!
Great pictures! My mom went to a cat show last month and wanted to bring home a brother.
Where are the Persians and Himmies?
Those are some gorgeous kitties.
Great pictures and video from the cat show!
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