Hamlet was one of our first and best furends when we started learning our way on the internet. He was one of the many rescued furkids belonging to the CoolCyberCats. Hamlet left for the bridge in August of 2005. Lots of hearts were broken, he would not be seen on the cams any more. His Daddy David loved him so much and will always carry his love deep in his heart till they meet again.

We love and miss you dear Hamlet
I didn't know Hamlet, but he sure was a handsome feller. Sending his daddy lots of purrs ...
It is always very sad when a good friend has to leave you.
We didn't know Hamlet...he sure was good looking! Purrs to everyone who is feeling sad this day remembering him....
I didn't know Hamlet, but it sounds like he was a very special kitty.
What a beautiful tribute to dear, sweet Hamlet, Auntie Holly.
Hamlet was a special fellow, and it's nice to have the internet so that now, and for years to come, the world can know that Hamlet lived and was well-loved. Also about the Web... the ability to communicate with lots of people who understand how important our cats are, and who would never say, "Oh, get over it, it's just a cat." When Kelly went to the Bridge in December, we got dozens of kind comments, and they helped comfort us in our grief.
He looks very handsome and we are sure he was a wonderful friend.
Love and purrs,
Hamlet must have been one cool cat! I understand how daddy must still feel. My mom still misses her Dandelion and one day soon hopes post about her.
I still miss ^Hamlet^ very much. He was my 1st cat and my soul cat. If anyone is interested in his bio, you can read here: CoolCyberCats Bios Page.
When I lost ^Itchy^ and ^Hamlet^, between them I must have received at least 100 direct emails, hundreds of posts on my board, a dozen or more packages in the mail and at least 15 floral arrangements. I never knew so many people were following their exploits till then, or how many people cared about them so. It really helped me heal in the end. :)
Holly, thanks for remembering my sweet ^Hammy^.
I believe someday we will meet this very adorable friend again.
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