We are so thankful that our baby brother, Teak is starting to feel better and is now even playing! This might sound weird but he was sick over two weeks before Mommy adopted him. He had medicine to finish and had to be in the big cage so he could rest and get better. That didn't happen...Mommy rushed him to our Vet and he got different meds then he was in the cage for another week till he finished. Now he is staying in our grammom's room and has bonded with Tang. Two days after he was altered, he began loosing the hair over his eyes and was hiding again.......the coughing returned so Mom picked up that same medicine again. One night she really thought Teak was going to cross over......she took him on her lap, then started tapping his ribs and back to loosen the fluid. ...........Mommy learned to do this when her youngest son had asthma attacks from the time he was one to about 10 years, ........as his lungs grew the attacks stopped! Teak had blood tests Tuesday...the Vet called Thursday with news things were normal! He is eating again and playing a bit with Tang...this is a very good sign. He still hides sometimes under Grammom's bed but comes out to play on the cat tree. Mommy is gonna start holding Teak while showing him all around the house once a day so he will not be afraid to join his other brothers someday.........hopefully soon. We are all Thankful Teak is OK!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Yay that is a wonderful thing to be thankful for. We are sorry we STILL have not played your game but we have not forgotten. We are just not allowed to play with toys or things that excite or stress us till we are all better. :-( It is no fun.
What a beautiful post. We hope Teak is better soon. Teak is furry handsome!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh we're so glad Teak is starting to feel better! We're thankful too for that!
Sweet Teak, we'll keep you in our purrs...
Teak looks a great deal like Gandalf's litter mate Sarah! We are so glad Teak is on the road to wellness and we hope he soon discovers how wonderful it is to be part of a feline family!
-Gandalf and Grayson
Hi guyz!! We loved your post!! We are purring for Teak!!!
Teak, you look like ME! I'm glad you're getting better. I hate being sick. It's no fun at all. I hate getting medicine too!
We are happy Teak is feeling better, too! With a feather, and feeling like that, no wonder he is smiling!
To answer your mom's question, it's the Susquehanna River we featured today on our blog, not a lake!
Abby & Stygia
It's so sad when our pets are sick.
I have a Thankful post today too: http://blog.feefifoto.com/2009/02/photo-hunters-thankful.html. Please stop by and take a look, and enter my Fame giveaway while you're visiting. Thanks.
I am very thankful to learn that Teak is doing so much better and his tests came out good!
I hope Teak continues to improve.
We are very THANKFUL that Teak is feeling better, too!!
Your Squillion furiends,
That's such wonderful news about Teak. I hope he continues to get better. Thank you so much for coming by with the well wishes during my recent illness.
Poor Teak, and yoor poor mom! When we are dat sick it is hard on our beans...glad yoor feeling better dude.
It sounds like Teak have been through a very ruff time. We're so glad it's going better.
Beautiful pictures!
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