Yup, Christmas is still here! Mommy wasn't up to taking it down before but this week it goes away. We will miss it 'cause we like all the lights and the tree. Mommy said it will be spring soon......hopefully...and we can go out on the deck again......YEAH! Oh ...guess what, we are getting another snow storm tomorrow night.......DARN!!!!
oh we see why you still gots dat stuff ups!! how purrtee!
Soh whats noo wifs u guyz?
Weze gots a noo kitteh to looks aftur n a contest and a silly shoo clurk story!!
Daisy May
oh and Daisy furgotted!
Weze gotz lots of sleets n slik streets n furry cooolllldd out dehr!!
Katie Too.
Your Chris Mouse village is pretty. We wish mum had left our tree up for longer. She has got a friend who used to leave his tree up all year round because he said it looked too bare when he took it down.
See we told you we wouldn't miss your posts again!
Well, looks like you had extra time to play with all the decorations!
I don't know why the beans don't leave up the Christmas all year. It is so festive and colorful.
Oh no, not another snow storm!!! Stay warm you guys!
You have pretty Christmas stuff! Mommy took ours down by New Year's Day . . . and that is even later than it normally is for us. Of course, mommy usually puts it up before Thanksgiving.
How is your mommy feeling? We're purring and purring she feels all better soon.
We still have our village up. Mommy said she'll take it down next week, but she likes it to much right now. Your mommy could leave hers up too. After all, they are "winter" villages so they can stay up while it is cold.
We got snow here too. It stopped not but will start again this afternoon.
purrrrrrrrrrrs to you all!
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by to wish me a happy blogoversary!
How cool that you have a mini-me living in your house *waves paw* hi Teak!
We didn't know you guys had a village too like Mr. Hendrix! Very cool! We wish we lived at your house!
I bet all those decorations are fun to play with! My mom said she had to take her tree down because I tore all the ornaments off of it...they were so fun though!
Hey Boyz,
Thanks for stopping by our blog and saying some nice purring things. So we had to come and visit your blog and wow, your house is so pretty with the Christmas stuff, like magical! And you all look so handsome in your wintery outfits, too.
We do shed, but it's really just like dandelion fluff, but sometimes Teri says it gets up her nose or stuck to her lips if she has chapstick on, MOL.
Bengals are beautiful but a bit tempermental. Ragdolls are cute too, and very sweet. You are right those about all the mixes that look for forever homes, it's said but happy when some family like yours adopts them for their forever home.
Even though Teri breeds Cornish Rex, she takes full responsibility of all the kitties she brings in to the world and she has only lost track of 2 cats (cuz of divorce and the people not letting Teri know where they moved to) in over 20 years. We know how much she loves us and tries to pick perfect homes for us.
But sometimes nice people change into not so nice people even as hard as she tries to learn everything about them before they adopt from her. If you want to learn more about us...visit our cattery website at
The cats of Furrydance and Teri
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