Tang's asleep....so....what do we have here....a play toy???????????
Oh....this is just to tempting!!!!!!.........
......Do I Dare?????????????............
Oh I guess not............this time!!!!!Tee Hee
Mommy goes to the surgeon tomorrow and will find out her operation date....she has been living off soup, apple juice & yogurt! Poor Mommy, guess I'll behave=^Y^=TEAK
you iz much nicer kitty than mees. i bites tails! especially if they iz in my face like dats! I hopes your mommy gets better soon! no likes sicky mommies
Yoor a good boy, we woulda gone for da bitey. We sure hope yoor mom's surjeree goes well and she's back home and healthy real fast. Our mom's dizzy but otherwise okay. 'Cept she can't hear and can't talk...and she has trouble swallowing. Why do mom's get sicky? It's so hard on us kitties.
you iz much nicer kitty than mees. i bites tails! especially if they iz in my face like dats! I hopes your mommy gets better soon! no likes sicky mommies
You mouth was wide open, and you let the moment pass? You are much more polite than we are! Chomp!
Oh dear, I'm afraid I would have had to chomp it!
Nothing like having a baby kitten in the house!
Let's get the show on the road with that surgery Mr. Doctor!
How could you not ATTACK? We would not have been able to resist!!
I hope your Mommy's surgery will be done soon. She will feel so much better once it's removed.
I wouldz not been able to resist. Tails is tooooooo much fun!
pee.ess. We hopes your Mama does ok at the Bean V-E-T
We especially love the 4th pic. I like to chomp my sister's paws.... or butt!
Abby Normal
Oh, Teak! We wanted you to GO FOR IT!!! You are much too kind...
Oooh that looks like a fun tail! That is tempting. We hope your mommy's surgery goes well.
Mom is already starting her praying that your Mom's surgery goes well. Too bad she has to wait so long. Not a good way to lose 10 pounds though.
Purrs and head butts to your Mom from all of us!
However did you resist? Good luck to Mom!
I thought that tail was a goner!
Thanks for keep us up to date on your mommy.
Yoor a good boy, we woulda gone for da bitey. We sure hope yoor mom's surjeree goes well and she's back home and healthy real fast. Our mom's dizzy but otherwise okay. 'Cept she can't hear and can't talk...and she has trouble swallowing. Why do mom's get sicky? It's so hard on us kitties.
It was your solemn duty to put the bitey on da tail! No cat could resist!
Those are lovely pictures.
Whicky Wuudler
So cure... a tasty tail!
(the Mommy must wear her camera round her neck 24/7 to get such wonderful photos!)
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